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Monday, January 20, 2014

10 Tips To Bring Business Continuity To Your Organization

If you want to successfully bring Business Continuity to your organization, there are 10 factors in deciding if they will support it, or reject it, or worse, something in between that makes your job almost impossible to do.

There are other cases where organizations will get the process going, but over time interest will drop off.  This is where many Continuity Programs end up.  If the organization is not involved in the development and maintenance of the program, it's likely to put it aside for more pressing issues.

If you want to get the organization to adopt and support Business Continuity for the long term, here are Ten Tips.

Feel free to share these tips.

Mike Minzes is the Founder and CEO of INEVOLVE SB, a Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning and Implementation company located in Kennesaw, Georgia. Mike has over 20 year of experience on the Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Industry. For more information on INEVOLVE SB, please visit them at GOBCP.NET .
